
  • Blog,  Profession

    Annoying Sales Rep Stereotypes

    Have you ever had those meetings where the rep gets up to do his part and it’s straight amateur night?  In a previous post I talked about different Pre-Sales stereotypes.  Now it’s time to pick on the sales reps.  Call them Account Executives, Account Managers, Business Developer, Muppets in Suits.,  I’m just gonna call them ‘reps’ for now.  And if you are someone I’ve worked with in the past, none of these stereotypes apply to you 😉 Dr. No Show – Some reps think that the demo part of the sales cycle is all about the SC showing product, and that they don’t even need to be there.  They are…

  • Blog,  Demo Tips,  Profession,  Uncategorized

    Unexpected Lessons from the World Series of Poker (WSOP)

      Playing poker is a lot like giving a demo.  In both events, you need both technical knowledge and people skills.  You need to know the math and probabilities in poker, just as you need to know your product’s technical aspects.  And you need to know how to read your opponents and their tendencies, like you need to know your audience’s likes and read their reactions.   In both ‘games’ you need to have a plan of action, as well as the ability to adapt and adjust on the fly.  A few years back, I played at the WSOP and had the pleasure of sitting next to an all time poker…

  • Blog,  Profession

    Pre-Sales Pros Stereotypes

    Personally I hate putting labels on people, but at the same time I detest people that are overly politically correct, so i put together my list of top 5 Pre-Sales Consultant Stereotypes.  All 5 of these SC’s are seasoned pros.  Under the brightest lights, on the biggest stage, they deliver.  They just each get there a different way.  Which one are you?  Leave a comment below. #1 The Prepper.  This consultant has watched too many episodes of Doomsday Prepper and The Walking Dead, or any of the million other survivalist shows.  These are the guys with military grade laptop bags adorned with carabiners and waterproof matches.  They’ve got 2 backup…